Chocolate vs Candy In the Harmonized Tariff System

Hi everyone! 

Arthur O’Meara here coming to you from the Texas Hill Country, and I just wanted to tell you a little story today at my expense, about my mansplaining something to my wife. 

See, my wife is from Mexico City, and one day we were in the grocery store. So I’m in the grocery store and I say to my wife “I’m hungry”, and she says “Do you want a chocolate?” and I said “No sweetheart,” (here’s me mansplaining) “no sweetheart I don’t want any candy”. 

She says “Chocolate is not candy.” And I said “Come here,” (see I’m very good at being stupid). So we go to the aisle where the sign hanging from the ceiling says CANDY and I said “Let’s walk down this aisle”. So we walked down the aisle and there are chocolate bars. 

I said “You see–the chocolate bars are in the candy aisle”.

She said “No no no no no no no; that’s chocolate–that’s made from the ground up seeds of the cacao tree with a little bit of sugar added. That’s kind of like peanut butter. Those gummy bears next to it, that’s candy.” 

I’m thinking, “Oh this makes sense. Am I wrong again? Of course I’m wrong again.” 

If you look at the chapters of the Harmonized System published by the World Customs Organization, you can see chapter 17 “Sugar and Sugar Confectionary.” 

Now “sugar confectionary” is a fancy term for candy. 

Then chapter 18 says “Cocoa and Cocoa Preparations” and as you know cocoa is where chocolate comes from. 

Even the World Customs Organization knows that candy and chocolate belong in two different chapters.

So, what’s the bottom line? Tell everybody you know that chocolate is not candy. Chocolate is good for you. 

And guess what? My wife has started a new hobby: she’s making chocolates. She’s making bon bons. Now we have a house full of beautiful, delicious things, and it has turned my life into an exercise of self-control. 

Anyway, if you like this, hit that Subscribe button.  I’ll be coming out with a bunch of videos on arcane stuff regarding trade compliance.

Take care guys!

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